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Privacy Policy


Please read this personal data privacy policy (“Policy”) carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your Personal Data and how we will treat it. This Policy applies to individuals (customers, vendors, distributors, suppliers, service providers, joint venture/business partners, job applicants, employees) who interact with us. This policy is to inform you of your rights with regards to your Personal Data that has been and/or will be, collected and processed by Seken Je Sdn. Bhd. or Seken Je (“Seken Je”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) and any of our holding, subsidiary or related companies as defined in the Companies Act 2016.

We will only process your Personal Data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, the applicable regulations, guidelines, orders made under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and any statutory amendments or re-enactments made of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 from time to time (collectively referred to as the “PDPA”) as well as this Policy.

By providing your Personal Data to us and/or continuing access to our website (“Site”), you declare that you have read and understood this Policy and agree to us processing your Personal Data in accordance with the manner as set out in this Policy. If you fail or choose not to provide us with Personal Data, or do not agree to this Policy, please do not use the Site, applications or otherwise give us any of your Personal Data. This Policy may be updated from time to time (please see Section 14).

Description of Personal Data

The Personal Data that you may provide include but is not limited to: -

  1. a) Name;
  2. b) Identity Card no.;
  3. c) Gender;
  4. d) Email address;
  5. e) Mobile phone no.;
  6. f)Passport no.;
  7. g) IP address;
  8. h) Username/member/login ID;
  9. i) Password;
  10. j) Payment information including credit cards no., debit cards no.; and;
  11. k) Reference no. of our customer relations and queries form.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Personal Data refers to any information in our possession or control that relates directly or indirectly to you, which can be used to identify you on its own or identifiable from that and other information in our possession we collect or have access to. The types of Personal Data collected depend on the purpose of collection. We may process your Personal Data by way of collecting, recording, holding, storing, using and/or disclosing it.

Your Personal Data may be collected from you during your course of dealings with us in any way or manner including pursuant to any transactions and/or communications made from/with us. We may also collect your Personal Data from a variety of sources, including without limitation, at any events, seminars, road shows, customer satisfaction surveys organised and/or sponsored by us, as well as from publicly available sources. Some examples of how your Personal Data can be collected:

  • When you register your details on our website;
  • When you complete purchase orders, requests or applications for our products or services (by phone, in person, postal mail, or electronically);
  • When you communicate with us directly via our customer service centre, or directly via our co-workers within our stores in relation to our products and services (in person by email, telephone, direct mail or any other means);
  • When you conduct certain types of transactions such as refunds;
  • When you enter, and when you interact with us during any of our events such as promotions, competitions, contests, lucky draws, or by using devices within our stores;
  • Subscribe to any of our newsletters;
  • Participate in surveys and other types of research; or
  • If you are a candidate for employment when you complete forms in relation to the recruitment and selection process for the purpose of assessment. We may also collect information about you from your nominated referees where you have authorised us to do so.
  • Any information that you voluntarily share with us about your experience of using our products and services.

In addition, we may also receive, store and process your Personal Data which are provided or made available by any third parties, credit reference bodies, regulatory and law enforcement authorities, for reasons including delivery of our products and/or services, performance of conditions of agreements and/or to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

Purpose of Acquiring and Processing Your Personal Data

The Personal Data as provided/furnished by you to us or collected by us from you or through such other sources as may be necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes at the time it was sought or collected, may be processed for the following purposes (collectively referred to as the “Purposes”):

  • to communicate with you;
  • to maintain and improve customer relationship;
  • successors in title to us;
  • to maintain and update internal record keeping;
  • to assess, process and provide products and/or services to you;
  • to manage our administrative and business operations and complying with internal policies and procedures;
  • data centres and/or servers located within or outside Malaysia for data storage purposes or otherwise;
  • to administer and process any payments related to products and/or services requested by you;
  • to respond to your enquiries or complaints and resolve any issues and disputes which may arise in connection with any dealings with us;
  • to provide you with information and/or updates on our products, services, upcoming promotions offered by us and/or events organised by us and selected third parties which may be of interest to you from time to time;
  • to facilitate your participation in, and our administration of, any events including contests, promotions or campaigns;
  • for direct marketing purposes via SMS, phone call, email, mail, social media and/or any other appropriate communication channels, in accordance with your consent;
  • to reflect, monitor, review and improve our events and promotions, products and/or services;
  • to conduct credit reference checks and establish your creditworthiness, where necessary, in providing you with the products and/or services;
  • to conduct market research or surveys, internal marketing analysis, customer profiling activities, analysis of customer patterns and choices, planning and statistical and trend analysis in relation to our products and/or services;
  • to share any of your Personal Data pursuant to any agreement or document which you have duly entered with us for purposes of seeking legal and/or financial advice and/or for purposes of commencing legal action;
  • to share any of your Personal Data with our joint venture or business partners or selected third parties in connection with the provision, marketing or offering of products and/or services;
  • to detect, investigate and prevent fraudulent, prohibited or illegal activities;
  • to enable us to perform our obligations and enforce our rights under any agreements or documents that we are a party to;
  • to transfer or assign our rights, interests and obligations under any agreements entered into with us;
  • to meet any applicable legal or regulatory requirements and make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable rules, laws, regulations, directions, court orders, by-laws, guidelines, circulars or codes issued by any legal or regulatory bodies which are applicable to us;
  • to carry out verification and background checks as part of any recruitment and selection process in connection with your application for employment with us; and/or
  • for other purposes required to operate, maintain and better manage our business and your relationship with us, which we notify you of at the time of obtaining your consent; and you agree and consent to us using and processing your Personal Data for the Purposes in the manner as identified in this Policy. If you do not consent to us processing your Personal Data for one or more of the Purposes, please notify us at the contact details below.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We will not sell, rent, transfer or disclose any of your Personal Data to any third party except under the following circumstances:

  • with your prior consent;
  • where a person’s life, body or property may be threatened and your consent is difficult to obtain;
  • where otherwise required by law.

However, we may disclose your Personal Data to the following third parties, for one or more of the above Purposes:

  • companies under our group – OZB Group of Companies and other related corporations and affiliates either in Malaysia or overseas;
  • your immediate family members and/or emergency contact person as may be notified to us from time to time;
  • successors in title to us;
  • any person under a duty of confidentiality to which has undertaken to keep your Personal Data confidential which we have engaged to discharge our obligations to you;
  • any party in relation to legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings;
  • our auditors, consultants, lawyers, accountants or other financial or professional advisers appointed in connection with our business on a strictly confidential basis, appointed by us to provide services to us;
  • any party nominated or appointed by us either solely or jointly with other service providers, for purposes of establishing and maintaining a common database where we have a legitimate common interest;
  • data centres and/or servers located within or outside Malaysia for data storage purposes or otherwise;
  • payment channels including but not limited to financial institutions for purpose of assessing, verifying, effectuating and facilitating payment of any amount due to us in connection with your purchase of our products and/or services;
  • government agencies, law enforcement agencies, courts, tribunals, regulatory bodies, industry regulators, ministries, and/or statutory agencies or bodies, offices or municipality in any jurisdiction, if required or authorised to do so, to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, order or judgment of a court or tribunal or queries from the relevant authorities;
  • our joint venture/business partners, third-party product and/or service providers, suppliers, vendors, contractors, data processors or agents, that provide related products and/or services in connection with our business, or discharge or perform one or more of the above Purposes and other purposes required to operate and maintain our business, including but not limited to call centres, telecommunication companies, logistics companies, information technology companies and data centres; insurance companies for the purpose of applying and obtaining insurance policy(ies), if necessary;
  • the general public for advertising and publicity purposes;
  • to third-party credit reporting or employment agencies as part of the recruitment and selection process and/or otherwise in connection with your application for employment with us;
  • in the event of a potential, proposed or actual sale/disposal of any of our business or interest, merger, acquisition, consolidation, re-organisation, funding exercise or asset sale relating to us, or in the event of winding-up (“Transaction”), your Personal Data may be required to be disclosed or transferred to a third party as a result of, or in connection with, the Transactions.
  • you hereby acknowledge that such disclosure and transfer may occur and permit us to disclose and transfer your Personal Data to such third party and its advisors/representatives and/or any other person reasonably requiring the same in order for us to operate and maintain our business or carry out the activities set out in the Purposes.

Accuracy Of Your Personal Data

We aim to keep all Personal Data as accurate, complete, not misleading, up-to-date and reliable as possible. Therefore, the accuracy of your Personal Data depends to a large extent on the information you provide. As such, it is a condition of us providing the products and/or services to you that you:

  • warrant and declare that all your Personal Data submitted or to be submitted to us are accurate, not misleading, up-to-date and complete in all respects for purposes of acquiring or using the relevant products and/or services, and you have not withheld any Personal Data which may be material in any respect and that we are authorised to assume the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the Personal Data given by you when processing such Personal Data); and
  • promptly update us as and when such Personal Data provided earlier to us becomes inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, outdated or changes in any way whatsoever by contacting us at the contact details below.

Your Rights

Subject to the exceptions provided under the PDPA, you have the right to request for access to, request for a copy of, a request to update or correct, or withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data held by us. However, your withdrawal of consent could result in certain legal consequences arising from such withdrawal. In this regard, depending on the extent of your withdrawal of consent for us to process your Personal Data, it may mean that we will not be able to continue with your existing relationship with us and/or the contract that you have with us will have to be terminated.

We may charge a small fee (such amount as permitted by the PDPA) to cover the administration costs involved in processing your request to access your Personal Data.

In respect of your right to access and/or correct your Personal Data, we have the right to refuse your request to access and/or correct your Personal Data for the reasons permitted under the law, such as where the expense of providing access to you is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy, or where the rights of others may also be violated, amongst other reasons.

You have the right at any time to request us to limit the processing and use of your Personal Data (for example, requesting us to stop sending you any marketing and promotional materials or contacting you for marketing purposes).

Retention Of Your Personal Data

In accordance with applicable laws, we will use your Personal Data for as long as necessary to satisfy the purposes for which your Personal Data was collected (as described in Section 4 above) or to comply with applicable legal requirements. Personal Data used to provide you with a personalised experience (see Section 4 above) will be kept for a duration permitted by applicable laws.

Security of Your Personal Data

We are committed to ensuring that your Personal Data is stored securely. Please note, however, that these protections do not apply to information you choose to share in public areas such as third party social networks. In order to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure or other similar risks, we endeavour, where practicable, to implement appropriate technical, physical, electronic and procedural security measures in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and industry standard to safeguard against and prevent the unauthorised or unlawful processing of your Personal Data, and the destruction of, or accidental loss, damage to, alteration of, unauthorised disclosure of or access to your Personal Data.

We will make reasonable updates to its security measures from time to time and ensure the authorised third parties only use your Personal Data for the Purposes set out in this Policy.

Please be aware that communications over the Internet, such as emails/webmails are not secure unless they have been encrypted. Your communications may be routed through a number of countries before being delivered.

We cannot and do not accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or interception or loss of Personal Data that is beyond our reasonable control.

Personal Data from Minors and Other Individuals

To the extent that you have provided (or will provide) Personal Data about your family, spouse and/or other dependents, you confirm that you have explained to them that their Personal Data will be provided to, and processed by, us and you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their Personal Data in accordance with this Policy and, in respect of minors (i.e. individuals under 18 years of age) or individuals not legally competent to give consent, you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent on their behalf to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their Personal Data in accordance with this Policy.

Transfer of Your Personal Data Outside of Malaysia

Our information technology storage facilities and servers may be located in other jurisdictions outside of Malaysia. This may include, but not limited to, instances where your Personal Data may be stored on servers located outside Malaysia. In addition, your Personal Data may be disclosed or transferred to entities located outside Malaysia or where you access the Site from countries outside Malaysia. Please note that these foreign entities may be established in countries that might not offer a level of data protection that is equivalent to that offered in Malaysia under the laws of Malaysia. You hereby expressly consent to us transferring your Personal Data outside of Malaysia for such purposes. We shall endeavour to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to procure that all such third parties outside of Malaysia shall not use your Personal Data other than for that part of the Purposes and to adequately protect the confidentiality and privacy of your Personal Data.

Links To Other Websites

If any part of the Site links you to other websites, those websites do not operate under this Policy and we do not accept any responsibility or liability arising from those websites.

Likewise, if you subscribe to an application, content or a product from our strategic partner and you subsequently provide your Personal Data directly to that third party, that Personal Data will be subject to that third party’s privacy/personal data protection policy (if they have such a policy) and not to this Policy.

We recommend you to read and understand the privacy/personal data protection statement/policy posted on those other websites in order to understand their procedures for collecting, processing, using and disclosing Personal Data and before submitting your Personal Data to those websites.


Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your computer or device by websites that you visit for record-keeping purposes and is used by us to track your visits to the Site. Cookies may be used in order to make the Site work, or work more efficiently, to save your preferences for your ease and convenience when using the Site, as well as providing information to the owners of the Site. Third party advertising networks may issue their separate cookies to your hard drive when serving advertisements.

The type of anonymous clickstream data collected by us through the cookies may include your Internet Protocol address, web browser software, date and time of visit to the Site, and whether your requests (including search requests and clicking on links to parts of the Site) were met with success. All such information collected through cookies is not Personal Data and you cannot be identified from this information. Such information is only used for the purpose of managing and creating a better user experience and to identify areas for improvement on the Site.

If you prefer, you can reset your browser either to notify you when you have received a cookie or to refuse to accept cookies. You should understand that certain features on the Site will not function properly if you set your browser to not accept cookies. Insofar as cookies are regarded as Personal Data, you agree that we may process such information as in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

Changes to this Policy

If we change the way we handle your Personal Data, we will update this Policy. We reserve the right to make changes to our practices and this Policy at any time. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Governing Law

This Policy and your use of this Site shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Malaysia.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Policy, or have any further queries, or would like to make a complaint or data access or correction request in respect of your Personal Data, you may contact us here.

Last Updated on 14 January 2024